
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2017
Blog Nº4: Themed Free Post 1 I do not know what to write I'll write of why I can not think of anything. I can not think of anything as a free topic because I'm blown away, besides I'm not interested in the English blog so if you do not give me the subject I will not think of what to do. but you teacher I like is not against you, it's just that I can not think of what to write. I even find writing about not knowing that writing is a very free subject. then I think it is correct to upload these words to my sweet and nice blog. At the moment I'm having a tea, and it's very tasty hoping that it is very well I will finish this entry of my blog to start to do the 5 that if it has assigned theme although it is very strange. Kisses
Blog nº3 A favourite piece of technology my favorite technological object is my iphone 7, they gave it to me at Christmas as a gift for being such a good daughter. I use it with my fingers because it's touch. I use it all the time because I love it, I use it in classes in the bathroom at all times. I like it because it is an iphone and because it is pink, it is very cute. my life without this device would be very empty because I would not have to communicate, talk to people who are away, upload my moments as photos or have social networks at hand. also it serves me to the university because I can keep up with the mails that send or information of the university, besides that it makes easier to do many things in the u blessings to all.
when I was a girl my dream was to be a singer of a rock band, and it's still my dream. I imagined touring the world doing concerts. then when I grew up I saw that dream that is still present could not be realized . When I was looking for careers to study the first time I applied for a nursing job for events that had happened in my life, and after three years I decided that it was not what I really wanted and I left the career to enter to study social work. in that time was undecided between laws or social work and then d epensarlo and say that social work is much more help to people and is a career that is present in the core of the problem I saw that was what I had to do. although the dream of being a rock star is still present and someday I will realize it. My experience in unversidad has been very cute I really like it and the race has managed to change my mentality and grow and I think that is the idea of entering to study what you like. The work that I would like to have w